Crypto Mobile PWA Starter Template

Anagram is open-sourcing our mobile PWA (progressive web app) starter template, which comes pre-configured with working end-to-end mobile push notifications, an embedded passkey wallet (via Turnkey), and web2 social identity. It’s everything you need to get started building a frictionless mobile crypto app that is accessible to everyone.

At Anagram, we’ve been experimenting with different ways to build crypto products, and we’ve been impressed with the new crypto-focused mobile PWA approach pioneered by We find this approach very promising, and wanted to share some of our research and hacking we’ve been doing with the community in the form of a ready-to-use starter template. We hope by lowering the barrier to building a PWA properly, more developers will be able to experiment and try this new medium of distribution.

Anyone can install a PWA without needing to go through the App Store

Progressive Web Apps or PWA’s represent an innovative solution for crypto developers seeking to bypass the constraints and challenges of traditional app stores. Many crypto founders have faced significant roadblocks when trying to list their applications on mainstream platforms due to strict regulations, extended review times, and occasional outright bans. PWAs address this by offering a web-based approach that feels and behaves like a native app, eliminating the dependency on app stores. As of iOS 16.4 (released in late March this year) mobile push notifications are now enabled for PWAs, so you can emulate the true native experience without the need for app store approval.

Passkey wallets are also a significant unlock in wallet UX. No more clunky seed phrases to set up or unnecessary friction setting up new wallets. With passkey wallets, you can use your mobile device to generate a hardware wallet, and log in to your wallet and sign transactions using FaceID! Passkeys get securely backed up into iCloud so you can use your wallet securely across devices. We find this the smoothest wallet set up and onboarding in crypto right now. Passwordless wallets, which typically rely on biometrics or hardware tokens, provide a simplified yet secure access method, drastically reducing barriers to entry. Using Turnkey we have access to simplified passkey APIs to securely manage devices and keys, making it easy to embed these passkey wallets into a PWA.

Together with PWAs, Passkey wallets, and optionally leveraging existing social networks, we’re able to onboard users onto crypto easier and faster than ever. At Anagram we’re having fun exploring this new surface area of crypto product development and believe it holds a lot of potential.

In addition, the template includes ready-to-go mobile styling and theming via Tailwind and Konsta.

Check out the code here:

Clone it, fork it, build on top of it; We’d love to see what you build with this!

View the demo here:


Demo includes registering identity via Clerk (supports phone, connecting twitter, any sort of auth), create a passkey wallet, enabling notifications (and the user's notification endpoint persists on the database), and an example signing a message.